Series 17 of the world’s biggest, silliest and most explosive car show sees Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May re-invent public transport with a car-based train, smash down buildings using surplus military equipment and celebrate the 50th birthday of the Jaguar E-type. The presenters also head to Monaco to race fast hatchbacks around the legendary Grand Prix street circuit, create a title sequence for an imaginary 1970s detective show, and find things to do in Lincoln whilst you wait for your electric car to recharge. The Stig is let loose in some seriously hardcore hardware including the Aston Martin Virage, the McLaren MP4-12C, the Lamborghini Avantador and the BMW 1-series M. And as if that wasn’t enough, Alice Cooper, Sebastian Vettel and Simon Cowell are amongst the sensational stars in the Reasonably Priced Car.——from:
想知道糖果做的童话故事什么样吗?敬请收看《甜品大师》 第83届奥斯卡完整获奖名单 相关【豆列】
【最佳影片】《国王的演讲》The King’s Speech
【最佳导演】汤姆·霍珀《国王的演讲》/ Tom Hooper, The King's Speech
【最佳男主角】柯林·菲尔斯《国王的演讲》/ Colin Firth, The King's Speech
【最佳女主角】娜塔丽·波曼《黑天鹅》/ Natalie Portman, Black Swan
【最佳男配角】克里斯蒂安·贝尔《斗士》/ Christian Bale, The Fighter
【最佳女配角】梅丽莎·里奥《斗士》/ Melissa Leo, The Fighter
【最佳原创剧本】大卫·塞德勒《国王的演讲》/ David Seidler, The King's Speech
【最佳改编剧本】艾伦·索金《社交网络》/ Aaron Sorkin,The Social Network
【最佳外语片】更好的世界(In a Better World)丹麦
【最佳动画长片】玩具总动员3(Toy Story 3)
【最佳纪录长片】监守自盗(Inside Job)
【最佳摄影】盗梦空间(Inception)Wally Pfister
【最佳剪辑】社交网络(The Social Network)
【最佳艺术指导】爱丽丝梦游仙境(Alice in Wonderland)
【最佳服装设计】爱丽丝梦游仙境(Alice in Wonderland)
【最佳化妆】狼人(The Wolfman)
【最佳配乐】特伦特·雷诺、阿提喀斯·罗斯《社交网络》/ Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, The Social Network
【最佳歌曲】"We Belong Together" -《玩具总动员3》
【最佳动画短片】失物招领(The Lost Thing)
【最佳真人短片】爱神(God of Love)
【最佳纪录短片】不再是陌生人(Strangers No More) 完整提名名单